ALL 2015 TAIWAN INTERNATATIONAL BJJ/NO-GI competitors will receive 1 PAIR of FREE tickets to a ONE Championship event in Taiwan or in the city of their choice.
所有2015台灣國際巴西柔術錦標賽選手可以取得兩張免費ONE Championship 格鬥賽門票.
All spectators will receive 50% off ONE Championship tickets in the city of their choice.
所有觀眾可以有取得ONE Championship 格鬥賽門票五折優惠。
We will also be giving ONE Championship souvenir packs to the first 200 competitors who register. So PLEASE register NOW!!!!!!!!!!
現場會發放ONE Championship 紀念品給前200位報名選手. 所以請大家趕快報名。