更多詳細資料請參考以下說明,台灣巴西柔術學院的學員們,若想參與比賽者請洽總教練小笠原 誠。
Weight in Gi (道服賽事量級)
Weight in No Gi (無道服賽事量級)
Team Form
The premier and largest BJJ event in the South East Asian region, recognized as the regions premier event will be held over three days .
The event will feature both Gi and No gi competitions along with Children divisions and 3 Masters divisions including Masters Absolute and a Women’s Masters White and Blue belt division combined see details below.
If you are in the Masters divisions you can also enter the Adults in Gi and or No gi. All Competitors can enter both the Gi and or No Gi competition.
Children’s divisions are mixed male and female all belts.
Juniors divisions are White belt only
All BJJ Teams and players are welcome.
To ensure the highest standard of competition, several of the regions most experienced Black Belt referees have been invited to officiate.
Six mats will be allocated for the 2016 Pan Asians.
Partner Hotel .
Orchid Garden Hotel , booking reference / account code is BJJFP. Breakfast is provided. Special discounted rates have been negotiated for this event.
Website ; http://orchidgardensuites.com.ph/
Email: orchidgarden@pldtdsl.net
Rules meeting;
A Rules : Questions and Answers will be giving on Friday May 15, at 9.00 am – 10.00am at the Venue SM Mall of Asia
Everyone is welcome, free to attend
Date and start time (時程表)
DATE; Please note children’s divisions under 14 will be on Sunday
Friday May 20 , Start 10.30am – all Masters divisions Gi / No Gi , all Junior Divisions Gi / No Gi (born 1999 and after) Gi and No Gi
Saturday May 21 , 9.00 am – BJJ Gi Adult divisions (except children’s divisions U14)
Sunday May 22 , 9.00am – No Gi Adult divisions and Children’s BJJ divisions
We expect to complete the children’s divisions including the awarding by 1pm.
VENUE: (比賽會場)
SM Mall of Asia
Ground Floor, Music Hall
Venue location
google map
REGISTER HERE – last day Sunday May 10
Registration Process : Due to the size of the event No late registrations or on the day registrations accepted
– No alterations will be made to the brackets after the deadline for Corrections on Monday May 15 at 2pm .
Please ensure you include your team name when you register.
Last Day to Register Sunday May 14
Before Sunday April 10
One event P1595
Both Events add P895
Monday April 11
One event P1795
Both Events add P995
The Discount for two events ( Gi and No Gi only ) is automatic when you register.
If you wish to register for two divisions on the same day, you must register and pay twice.
BRACKETS – CORRECTIONS – You can make any changes required to your registration on or before Monday May 15 , 1pm.
We will be releasing a competitors list here below as the registrations are processed.
For any changes please send an email to; info@bjjphilippines.com
Subject ” CORRECTION ” anytime on or before Monday May 11 , 1pm.
Prior to the Bracket release your entry wil be posted here after you register , any changes can be made immediately.
Brackets are printed on Tuesday no changes can be made once the brackets are printed.
Brackets posted late Sunday May 14.
All Competitors:
Please Check Brackets upon release:
Check that your DIVISION, BELT, WEIGHT and TEAM NAME are correct.
Please ensure you include your team name when you register.
If you do not make weight on the day you will be disqualified.
Once the draws are printed after 1pm Monday no Corrections can be made.
Once the brackets are completed a Match schedule will be posted below showing your match time and mat number.
The match schedules are an indication only of the match time , please be at the venue one and a half hour prior to your scheduled match time.
Match’s may start earlier than the prescribed time.
Absolute registration will be made on the day for division medalists only, Black belts all competitors can register for Absolute.
Please look for the Absolute registration table and immediately register once your division has been completed.
Message to competitors ;
The flow of match’s will start with the White belts and Blue belts , and then onto Purple Brown and Black.
Absolute match’s will start once most of the divisions are done as the mats free up starting with White , Blue , Purple , Brown and then Black
Kids will be 1st on Sunday and should be competed by 1pm including the awarding.
With 6 mats running we endeavor to make the match’s move according to the match schedule and on time.
FRIDAY May 15 – 2016 Pan Asian BJJ – Masters / Juniors International Open
All Masters / Junior Divisions Gi and No Gi – Start time will be at 10.00 am.
Note: The Children’s Gi (ages 5 – 14) competition is held on Sunday
Masters 1 , 2 & 3 and Juniors Gi & No Gi
Masters 1 Female born 1986 and before age age 30+ ( White , Blue )
Masters 1 Male born 1986 and before age age 30+ ( White , Blue , Purple belts )
Master 2 Male born 1980 and before – age 35+ ( White , Blue , Purple , Brown , Black )
Masters 3 Male born 1975 and before – age 40+ ( White , Blue , Purple belts)
Juniors white belts: Born 1999 and after.
Masters / Junior competitors please bring an ID ( copy is ok )
Absolute division medalists register on the day
Black Belt Open weight registration: Ope to medalist and Non medalists
SATURDAY May – 2016 Pan Asian BJJ – Gi International Open
Weigh in 9am , Will start with Female divisions , followed by the Male White Belts
All Adults Gi Divisions – all Belts
SUNDAY May , 2016 Pan Asian No Gi and Kids International Open
Weigh in 9am , Will start with Children divisions and Female divisions , followed by the Male White Belts
No Gi – All Adult belts and children under 14 Gi divisions
We anticipate all Children’s divisions to end by 1pm including the awarding.
IBJJF current rules will be followed, see the rule links above
Please Note ; Rule Exceptions
1. Straight foot locks are not allowed in the white belt division.
(To ensure player safety for White belts and due to high medical costs )
2. Pink Gi’s are allowed for the Women’s divisions
3. In a bracket of Three the Loser of the 1st match fights the other opponent and if he
wins there is no further match to decide the winner. The winner of the 1st match is the champion.
If the other player wins he will fight the winner of the 1st match to decide the champion.
4. New IBJJF Rules ;
– Jumping to closed guards for White Belts , will result in a penalty and the match restarted
– No advantages will be awarded if a sweep is made and starts or ends in the 50/50 position
GI Attire
All Black, White, Blue or Pink for Ladies see Gi specifications for patches and length of Gi’s in the rules section.
All athletes to wear Gi and belt (no t-shirts, groin cups, or knee braces, hair gel)
All Gi ‘s to be in good order no holes or tears or loose patches
No GI Attire
As required by IBJJF. All competitors must wear a rash guard, which reflects their belt.
Examples; white sleeves for white belts / blue sleeves for blue belts, or all blue or all white rash guards, short or long sleeve. Minimum of 10% of the belt color should be reflected in the rash Guard.
No Gi – Weigh in with rash guard and shorts (no t-shirts, groin cups, body/ hair gel, or knee braces). .
Shorts: all Black fight shorts, logos are allowed on both rash guards and shorts, no pockets and zippers allowed.
Only athletes with the correct attire can compete, no exceptions. Approved Rash guards will be available at the event.
See the link on the front page for No Gi requirements. .
Registrations are processed only after payment has been received.
1. Online registration – click the registration links
For your registration to be processed you must pay at the same time that you register,
Follow the links after registration.
Philippine-based competitors
2. Direct deposit – for multiple or Team entries only
You must email your deposit slip with your entries at the same time
ECD Events Concepts and Designs
Bank of Commerce
111 -00 -0027533
Email deposit slip and entries to; info@bjjphilippines.com
3. Direct payment
Pay at KMA
Tordesillas St Makati or
Wack Wack Gym Mandaluyong
Brady; (02) 5514449
Contact details;
Email Brady; info@bjjphilippines.com
Tel; 5514999, Text only 091782440
Notice to Competitors
- Before his/her first fight, the athlete will check his/her weight wearing the Gi or in No Gi with the correct attire.
- There is only one opportunity to check the weight.
- If the competitor does not make his/her weight, they will be immediately disqualified.
- Please make sure that you are in the correct weight division. You cannot change divisions after the correction date above.
- No refunds issued for any reason, if you do not make weight you will be disqualified
- Any false information provided during registration such as Date of Birth and Eligibility qualification but not limited to; Will lead to immediate disqualification; such actions are subject to suspension or even banishment from future BJJFP/ IBJJF events.
- No spectators or coaches allowed in the competition area except for children’s matches.
- Children’s matches one coach only is allowed.
- Absolute divisions – only division medalists are eligible to compete in the Absolute
- No Straight foot locks allowed in the white belt division.
- All competitors to read the Code of Conduct and Competitor Etiquette below.
Competitor Etiquette
- Footwear must be worn around the competition venue at all times; we want our mats clean for the competitor’s welfare and hygiene, walking bare feet is unacceptable in the mall.
- All competitors must leave the competition area immediately after their match.
- Do not walk in front of the scoreboards, across the mat to another mat or over the barricades
- Competitors climbing over the barricades or walking across the mats to get to another mat will be automatically disqualified.
- Wait on the side of the mat to be called by the referee before entering the mat area
- Show respect at all times to fellow competitors, officials and SM staff.
- All competitors are to wait for the winner to be announced before leaving the mat, in case of victory please stay in the warm up area.
- All competitors must wear Shoes / Shirts / Pants around the competition venue, change in the changing room provided.
- Competitors who do not abide by instructions giving by officials can be disqualified and possibly banned from future events.
- All competitors to read the code of conduct below
- Wear your competition cloths when receiving medals.
- Use the change room provided.
Venue and Mat rules – Important info
- No Spectators / Coach’s (Children’s match’s, one coach allowed) Allowed in the competition area,
Only authorized persons with an officials badge can video or photograph matches inside the competition area. If you are from a media source you can get an officials badge on the day - Further obligations; we are guests in the mall, please act accordingly, foul language is unacceptable, children and parents are present..
- Do not walk or sit around the mall with out a shirt on, change your shorts or Gi pants in the change area or bathroom, failure to abide by any of these rules will lead to disqualification.
Code of Conduct
PLEASE NOTE – Other Venue rules / Competitor and Coach’s conduct;
- With the continued support of SM we are able to stage premier events at SM which are subject to certain conditions.
- All bags must be in the baggage area, no exceptions.
- Every person i.e. coach, competitor, spectator at a BJJ event represents the sport, the reputation of the sport is more important than the individual. Individual actions reflect the group, if you are unable to control yourself on or of the mat please do not attend or register for the event. As martial artists we should be an example of what is good about martial arts, respect, honor and good character.
- Any verbal abuse directed towards the Referee, Officials, SM staff, would be cause for immediate disqualification from the competition and possibly a one-year competition ban, any physical abuse is a lifetime ban without recourse. In certain cases IBJJF will also be notified. If you do not follow instructions given by officials this will be cause for immediate disqualification without warning. .
- At any time during a match if a competitor acts in an unsportsmanlike manner i.e. shoves his opponent this is cause for an immediate disqualification from the event, no medal if won will be awarded.
Please follow the instructions given by officials or SM Staff, if you are asked to leave the area, please leave.
We are all here for the enjoyment of the sport, to see competition at its best and to have fun at these events. The Referees and Officials are there to carry out important functions with out them the events would not exist; they are entitled to everyone’s utmost respect.
The Sport cannot accept any disrespect directed towards officials and between individual competitors.