台灣巴西柔術學院 跟 新加坡 FAMA http://famafit.com/ 及 上海巴西柔術學院 SHBJJ (所有中國+香港分院) http://www.shanghaibjj.com/ 雙向合作. 不管是 出國玩 出差 練習 可以攜帶台灣巴西柔術學院學員卡 獲免費練習! (去之前 先跟 MAKOTO老師或Warren Wang說唷)
新加坡 FAMA http://famafit.com/
上海巴西柔術學院 SHBJJ (所有中國+香港分院) http://www.shanghaibjj.com/
Taiwan Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy is proud to announce our overseas cooperation with FAMA in Singapore and SHBJJ (all China and HK branches); whether for work, holiday, or just training, be sure to drop in at these school and train for absolutely FREE (please remember to let Prof. MAKOTO or Warren know first and bring your Academy student card)