DUMAU 柔術東京錦標賽

活動日期:2015 / 2/15
Event Date :Sunday, February 15, 2015
報名日期:2014/12/22 – 2015/2/9
Registration Dates :Monday, December 22, 2014 ~ Monday, February 9, 2015
比賽地點 Location :
報名需知 Registration Info :
- 報名截止日後即不再收件。
We will not accept registrations after the registration end date
- 當報名人數滿額時,報名截止日可能無預警提前結束。
The registration deadline can be closed before the registration end date if the number of fighters exceed the total number allowed
- 女生僅有成人組別。
Female: only adult categories
報名費 Registration Fees :
- 需於報名時即繳交報名費,完成費用繳納後才算報名完成。
The money must arrive until the day specified otherwise the registration will be cancelled (The registration is considered completed only after the registration fee payment)
- 退費:只有在該量級無對手時才會進行退費,且不因個人因素、超重、未完成過磅、遲到等狀況進行退費。
Registration fee refund: only if there are no opponents in your category. There will be no refund in case of: disqualification, weight disqualification, you came late or not coming to the event
報名網址 Registration: http://dumau.org/mainEvent/info/34