2017-08 Belt Promotion

Thank you for everyone to support and join the Belt promotion. This time lots of students from Kee-lung Branch, let us keep going and practice more and more BJJ here.

Let us from Kids

【White Belt 1 Strip】Sean, Vera, 之邑(Keelung), Louis(Keelung), Cleo, Gabriel

【White Belt 2 Strips】Adolph, Dexter(Keelung)

【White Belt 3 Strips】Mandy(Keelung), Albee(Keelung), Kevin

【White Belt 4 Strips】Eason(Keelung), Mick, Kelvin

【Grey Belt 3 Strips】Kent(Keelung)

【Grey Belt 4 Strips】Clayton(Keelung)

Congratulation for New Grey Belt

【White Belt→Grey Belt】Neil, Bill, Betty, Lennon, Andy, Eason

Congratulation for New Yellow Belt

【Grey Belt→Yellow】Ariel, Jenny(Keelung)

Now is Adult

【White Belt 1 Strip】Ryan, Frank, Gavin, Iris, Jeff, Naoki, Sarah, Calvin

【White Belt 2 Strips】A-Yuan, Snake, Jerry, Josh

【White Belt 3 Strips】馮馮, Ken, Chong, Sunny, Young Lu, Tim, Daniel, Burke

【White Belt 4 Strips】Lily, Lok

【Blue Belt 1 strip】Chris, Sonny, Eddy, K.C., Jones, Jamie

【Blue Belt 2 strips】Howie, Otis, Melody, Henrik, Andrew

【Blue Belt 3 strips】John(Keelung), Draco, Anthony, Jordy

【Blue Belt 4 strips】Jack

【Purple Belt 2 strip】David, Jerry C, Alan, Ricky

【Purple Belt 4 strips】AL

【White Belt→Blue Belt


and Matt, Chia, Nick

Blue BeltPurple BeltJohnny, Mao-Mao

Thank you for everyone to come and join our belt promotion.

See you next time!